
Welcome to SprayTan HQ!

My name is Dan, and however you found us, I’m glad you’re here.

My wife and I started a spray tan business in September of 2023. We wanted something to replace her income but give her the flexibility to work, stay home, and do mom stuff with the kids. We’re working on being successful and trying to do so fairly quickly. We feel like we had a good plan and hit the ground running. We think we’ve laid the groundwork for others to be able to repeat our success. Our mission is help people tap into an excellent source of income. We do this by sharing what worked or is working for us and what didn’t. In a time when so many people are struggling to make ends meet or looking for more flexibility in their lives, we believe our mission and message have never been more important.

Here’s the thing:

Our family

If you’re looking for a side hustle or change in life. If you can get excited about a new experience and make a commitment to stay the course, then you have the opportunity to improve your life and better your situation.

“Success is best when it’s shared.” – Howard Schultz.

Join our journey and share your own experiences with the community, there’s room enough for everyone.