Mobile vs Salon Spray Tan Business

The world of sun-kissed skin is constantly evolving, and spray tanning has become a popular choice for those seeking a safe and efficient way to achieve that golden glow. When considering venturing into the spray tan business, you’ll have to decide whether to go the mobile route or set up shop in a salon. Both options have their own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll explore seven key differences between a mobile spray tan business and a salon-based one, helping you make an informed decision.

Location and Convenience

Mobile Spray Tan

One of the standout benefits of a mobile spray tan business is the convenience it offers to your clients. You can take your services to their homes, eliminating the need for them to travel. This flexibility is particularly appealing to busy individuals, new moms, or those who simply prefer the comfort of their own space.  Typically, you will charge more and which will help make up for less time to see more customers.

Salon Spray Tan

Salons offer a fixed location for clients to visit, which can be advantageous for those looking for a dedicated and professional setting. However, this can also mean that clients have to allocate time for travel, potentially resulting in a less flexible experience.  If you’re not comfortable traveling or find new situations awkward this may be your best option.

Start-up Costs

Mobile Spray Tan

Setting up a mobile spray tan business often involves lower initial investment costs compared to establishing a salon. You may not need to lease a physical space or invest in expensive salon equipment.

Salon Spray Tan

Salon-based businesses require more substantial start-up costs, including leasing or purchasing a property, outfitting it with décor in addition to your spray tan equipment, and ongoing rent and maintenance expenses.